Phase 3
Phase 3 is the school's older phase containing pupils in years 9 to 11.
Ysgol Henry Richard prides itself on being able to offer a range of courses of the highest standard at Key Stage 4. We have very dedicated teachers and staff who help the pupils achieve success. During phase 3, pupils will study the following topics:
Welsh, English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education, Personal and Social Education (PSE) and the Welsh Baccalaureate.
In addition, pupils can choose from the following subjects for GCSE:
Physical Education, Agriculture, ASDAN / COPE, Religious Studies, Business, Food and Nutrition, Art and Design, Music, Geography, Drama, Design and Technology, French, Photography, Triple Science, History, Health and Social Care, Additional Mathematics, Workskills, Information Technology and Textiles.
As the pupils begin their education in Phase 3 the main focus will be to ensure that they choose suitable courses for the future. At the end of year 8 pupils choose one GCSE and start these courses after half term in the summer term. During KS3 pupils progress will be carefully tracked to give them every opportunity to reach their academic potential. As well as focusing on academic work, all pupils are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities. In addition, throughout their phase in Phase 3, the school organizes enriching experiences for pupils focusing on work related experiences.
Phase 3 Progress Leaders:– Mrs Louise Sherman and Mrs Meira Harries